Friday, September 11, 2009

It's Friday...

TGIF! It has been one crazy week. I think everyone enjoys the 4-day work week but it has me completely thrown off. The good thing is that our household has finally settled into a regular routine. I have to be up around 6:15AM so I can get Sass and Mister dressed and over to Mimi's house so she can take Lauren to school. Everyone in the house now has the same schedule. We all used to sleep in while Lartakis got himself ready but now we all have to be up and out at the same time. Fortunately for us, Lartakis is a morning person and is willing to start waking the kids up in the morning. This has also changed Mister's schedule. Since he is up at 6 or so, he's drifting off by 9 and most nights sleeps straight through. WOOOOOO! I believe that being used to waking up so early in the morning will make my weekends that much more productive. We'll see!