Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's been over a year...

It has been over a year since I've written on this blog. I had every intention of writing something every day when I first started this. So what happened? Well, life happened. Sass is now 5 years old and in Kindergarten and Mister turns 2 in a matter of days. I've been trying to hang on to my sanity. My husband went back to school back in September for a second Bachelors. He currently teaches in an urban high school but he's determined to become the best history teacher the world has ever seen *gag* History is the most boring subject ever. He's determined to change folks outlook on History one teen at a time. I'll keep you posted. In the meantime I'm on my way to put the kids in the tub so I can get them into bed and I can hear myself think. Until later...

OH! I almost forgot!


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It'a been a while!

I haven't blogged in ages. Did you miss me?

I never thought that being a mother would be so hard. So having one was hard, but having two...even harder! There's so much to remember, so much to think about, so much to plan for. Arrrrrgh! I guess it doesn't help that I've been reading other blogs when I should have been writing in my own. family is taking a 10 hour drive to IL for the holidays. Who drives 10 hours with a 4 year-old and a 10 month old in tow? Crazy people like us. So I have to think about packing clothes for them as well as packing activities to keep them entertained in the hotel room as well as on the road. That shouldn't be too hard, right? *rolling eyes*

Thursday, October 29, 2009


We are at Costco and walking toward the doors...

Sass: " need to get a cart!"

Me: "I know this, Lauren. I can't snap my fingers and make one appear. I am not Harry Potter...I can't make things apparate. Can you make things apparate?"

Lartakis: "Yeah...are you a Sorceress?"

Sass: "What? I am not a SORFALUS!"

Friday, October 9, 2009

Routines make life easier...

I remember being in 10th grade English and my teacher drilling us daily on "time management". I thought the lady had finally flipped her lid. Then I got to college and it all made sense. If you know how to manage your time, it is the first step to being successful. So you grow up and then you add a spouse and kids to the mix. Holy moly! I never thought it would be this hard. You have to get the kids up, get them dressed and off to school and daycare, work for 9 hours, go pick them up, take them home, feed them, bathe them and then put them to bed to start the process all over again. SHEESH! Now I see why people have nannies. I just started checking out this new website called She's all about using routines and 15 minute increments out the day to get chaos out of your life. I've already started making sure I know what I am wearing the night before and making sure Sass's uniform is ready to go. I'll report back and let you know how things progress.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Down for the count!

Why does it seem like the babies get sick and always bring their colds home to Mom? My daughter has been in PreK for about a month now. I knew it would only be a matter of time before she brought home a cold from one of her kids. Well, she coughed for about 4 days straight and we brought her back around with some Children's Triaminic ("Mommy, I like this medicine, 'cause it is YUMMY!)

So now she's fine. But guess who got sick?!?! ME!!! Now I must admit...I have a weakened immune system due to asthma. I've had it for about 14 years. Sometimes I catch a cold and I have it for about a week. Well, not this time. It started Monday...I could tell that I had a tickle in my throat. By Tuesday, my diet consisted of tea and cough drops. You could barely hear me. By Wednesday I had a full blown case of laryngitis and a cough. All the yucky stuff that I was sneezing up ended up in my lungs. By yesterday I felt worse! I took a breathing treatment with a nebulizer and it was no different. I finally let my husband talk me into going to the ER. The attending said it was a good thing that I showed up when I did. She put me on Zythromax to fight off bronchitis and put me on a steroid for a week. I consider myself blessed because I know that if it got any worse it would have meant a hospital stay!

So...I am at home resting wishing I had gone to work today (DAYTIME TV SUCKS!). So my next step is to invest in Airborne. Does that stuff really work? As far as the kid is concerned, she's fine. Never would have known she had a cold. : )

Friday, September 11, 2009

It's Friday...

TGIF! It has been one crazy week. I think everyone enjoys the 4-day work week but it has me completely thrown off. The good thing is that our household has finally settled into a regular routine. I have to be up around 6:15AM so I can get Sass and Mister dressed and over to Mimi's house so she can take Lauren to school. Everyone in the house now has the same schedule. We all used to sleep in while Lartakis got himself ready but now we all have to be up and out at the same time. Fortunately for us, Lartakis is a morning person and is willing to start waking the kids up in the morning. This has also changed Mister's schedule. Since he is up at 6 or so, he's drifting off by 9 and most nights sleeps straight through. WOOOOOO! I believe that being used to waking up so early in the morning will make my weekends that much more productive. We'll see!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


It just gets better and better!

8/15/09 8:00PM

Sass: "Mommy, what you watching?"

Me: "I'm getting ready to watch 'Ratatouille'."

S: "I wanna watch 'RA-RA-TWO-TEE'".

Me: "Come on...we'll watch 'RA-RA-TWO-TEE' together."

S: "Why is it called that?"

Me: "Because it's named after a dish."

S: "'And the dish ran away with the spoon.' Why did the dish run away with the spoon?"

Me: "I'm not so sure."

S: "I think it's because the dish wanted to kiss the spoon."

Me: "If you say so!"